**WEBCAST** Stretching and Core for Climbing - International

10/09/2020 04:30 PM - 05:30 PM MT




This will cover a stretching routine for climbing as well as essential core strengthening exercises. You MUST Register to receive the confirmation email with the link to participate!


You MUST Register to receive the confirmation email with the link to participate!



Adaptive Adventures' Climbing Manager, Craig Demartino will cover basic stretches and exercises that all climbers and athletes can use for their desired sport. The stretches will cover range of motion as well as better flexibility that can be applied in climbing. In the world of climbing, all movement begins in our core. We will show you a variety of core work that you can do anywhere with little or no equipment.

You MUST Register to receive the confirmation email with the  link to participate!

For questions, pleast contact Craig DeMartino at: craig@adaptiveadventures.org

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